;;; xml-lite.el --- an indentation-engine for XML ;; Copyright (C) 2001 Mike Williams ;; Author: Mike Williams ;; Created: February 2001 ;; Version: $Revision: 1.1 $ ;; Keywords: xml ;; This file is not (yet) part of GNU Emacs. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; This package provides a simple indentation engine for XML. It is ;; intended for use in situations where the full power of the popular PSGML ;; package (DTD parsing, syntax checking) is not required. ;; ;; xml-lite is designed to be used in conjunction with the default GNU ;; Emacs sgml-mode, to provide a lightweight XML-editing environment. ;; ;; Updates will be made available at: ;; http://www.bigfoot.com/~mdub/software/xml-lite.el ;; ;; Note: the font-lock support that was in this package has been removed. ;;; Thanks: ;; ;; Jens Schmidt ;; for his feedback and suggestions ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (require 'sgml-mode) (require 'custom) ;; Variables (defgroup xml-lite nil "Customizable variables for XML-Lite mode." :group 'languages ) (defcustom xml-lite-indent-offset 4 "*Specifies the default indentation level for `xml-lite-indent-line'." :type 'integer :group 'xml-lite ) (defcustom xml-lite-indent-comment-offset 5 "*Specifies the indentation level for XML comments." :type 'integer :group 'xml-lite ) (defcustom xml-lite-electric-slash 'close "*If non-nil, inserting a '/' after a '<' behaves electrically. If set to `indent', typing ' (skip-chars-forward "-._:A-Za-z0-9") 0) (buffer-substring-no-properties here (point))))) (defsubst xml-lite-looking-back-at (s) (let ((limit (max (- (point) (length s)) (point-min)))) (equal s (buffer-substring-no-properties limit (point))))) (defsubst xml-lite-looking-at (s) (let ((limit (min (+ (point) (length s))))) (equal s (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) limit)))) (defun xml-lite-parse-tag-backward () "Get information about the parent tag." (let ((limit (point)) tag-type tag-start tag-end name name-end) (cond ((null (re-search-backward "[<>]" nil t))) ((= ?> (char-after)) ;--- found tag-end --- (setq tag-end (1+ (point))) (goto-char tag-end) (cond ((xml-lite-looking-back-at "--") ; comment (setq tag-type 'comment tag-start (search-backward "" nil t))) ((xml-lite-looking-at "![CDATA[") ; cdata (setq tag-type 'cdata tag-end (search-forward "]]>" nil t))) (t (goto-char tag-start) (setq tag-end (ignore-errors (forward-sexp) (point)))))) ) (cond ((or tag-type (null tag-start))) ((= ?! (char-after (1+ tag-start))) ; declaration (setq tag-type 'decl)) ((= ?? (char-after (1+ tag-start))) ; processing-instruction (setq tag-type 'pi)) ((= ?/ (char-after (1+ tag-start))) ; close-tag (goto-char (+ 2 tag-start)) (setq tag-type 'close name (xml-lite-parse-tag-name) name-end (point))) ((member ; JSP tags etc (char-after (1+ tag-start)) '(?% ?#)) (setq tag-type 'unknown)) (t (goto-char (1+ tag-start)) (setq tag-type 'open name (xml-lite-parse-tag-name) name-end (point)) ;; check whether it's an empty tag (if (and tag-end (eq ?/ (char-before (- tag-end 1)))) (setq tag-type 'empty)))) (cond (tag-start (goto-char tag-start) (xml-lite-make-tag tag-type tag-start tag-end name name-end))))) (defsubst xml-lite-inside-tag-p (tag-info &optional point) "Return true if TAG-INFO contains the POINT." (let ((end (xml-lite-tag-end tag-info)) (point (or point (point)))) (or (null end) (> end point)))) (defun xml-lite-get-context (&optional full) "Determine the context of the current position. If FULL is non-nil, parse back to the beginning of the buffer, otherwise parse until we find a start-tag as the first thing on a line. The context is a list of tag-info structures. The last one is the tag immediately enclosing the current position." (let ((here (point)) (ignore-depth 0) tag-info context) ;; CONTEXT keeps track of the tag-stack ;; IGNORE-DEPTH keeps track of the nesting level of point relative to the ;; first (outermost) tag on the context. This is the number of ;; enclosing start-tags we'll have to ignore. (save-excursion (while (and (or (not context) full (not (xml-lite-at-indentation-p))) (setq tag-info (xml-lite-parse-tag-backward))) (cond ;; inside a tag ... ((xml-lite-inside-tag-p tag-info here) (setq context (cons tag-info context))) ;; start-tag ((eq (xml-lite-tag-type tag-info) 'open) (setq ignore-depth (1- ignore-depth)) (when (= ignore-depth -1) (setq context (cons tag-info context)) (setq ignore-depth 0))) ;; end-tag ((eq (xml-lite-tag-type tag-info) 'close) (setq ignore-depth (1+ ignore-depth))) ))) ;; return context context )) (defun xml-lite-show-context (&optional full) "Display the current context. If FULL is non-nil, parse back to the beginning of the buffer." (interactive "P") (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*XML Context*" (pp (xml-lite-get-context full)))) ;; Indenting (defun xml-lite-calculate-indent () "Calculate the column to which this line should be indented." (let* ((here (point)) (context (xml-lite-get-context)) (ref-tag-info (car context)) (last-tag-info (car (last context)))) (save-excursion (cond ;; no context ((null context) 0) ;; inside a comment ((eq 'comment (xml-lite-tag-type last-tag-info)) (goto-char (xml-lite-tag-start last-tag-info)) (+ (current-column) xml-lite-indent-comment-offset)) ;; inside a tag ((xml-lite-inside-tag-p last-tag-info here) (let ((in-string (xml-lite-in-string-p (xml-lite-tag-start last-tag-info)))) (cond ;; inside a string (in-string (goto-char (nth 1 in-string)) (1+ (current-column))) ;; if we have a tag-name, base indent on that ((and (xml-lite-tag-name-end last-tag-info) (progn (goto-char (xml-lite-tag-name-end last-tag-info)) (not (looking-at "[ \t]*$")))) (1+ (current-column))) ;; otherwise, add indent-offset (t (goto-char (xml-lite-tag-start last-tag-info)) (+ (current-column) xml-lite-indent-offset))))) ;; inside an element (t ;; indent to start of tag (let ((here (point)) indent-col) (goto-char (xml-lite-tag-start ref-tag-info)) (setq indent-col (current-column)) (goto-char here) ;; add xml-lite-indent-offset, unless we're looking at the matching ;; end-tag (unless (and (eq (length context) 1) (looking-at " origin-point (point)) (goto-char origin-point)) )) ;; Editing shortcuts (defun xml-lite-insert-end-tag () "Insert an end-tag for the current element." (interactive) (let* ((context (xml-lite-get-context)) (tag-info (car (last context))) (type (and tag-info (xml-lite-tag-type tag-info)))) (cond ((null context) (error "Nothing to close")) ;; inside a tag ((xml-lite-inside-tag-p tag-info) (cond ((eq type 'open) (insert " />")) ((eq type 'comment) (insert " -->")) ((eq type 'cdata) (insert "]]>")) ((eq type 'jsp) (insert "%>")) ((eq type 'pi) (insert "?>")) (t (insert ">")))) ;; inside an element ((eq type 'open) (insert "") (xml-lite-indent-line)) (t (error "Nothing to close"))))) (defun xml-lite-slash (arg) "Insert ARG slash characters. Behaves electrically if `xml-lite-electric-slash' is non-nil." (interactive "p") (cond ((not (and (eq (char-before) ?<) (= arg 1))) (insert-char ?/ arg)) ((eq xml-lite-electric-slash 'indent) (insert-char ?/ 1) (xml-lite-indent-line)) ((eq xml-lite-electric-slash 'close) (delete-backward-char 1) (xml-lite-insert-end-tag)) (t (insert-char ?/ arg)))) ;; Keymap (defvar xml-lite-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "\t" 'indent-for-tab-command) (define-key map "\C-c/" 'xml-lite-insert-end-tag) (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'xml-lite-show-context) (define-key map "/" 'xml-lite-slash) map) "Key bindings for `xml-lite-mode'.") ;; Minor mode ;;;###autoload (define-minor-mode xml-lite-mode "Toggle `xml-lite-mode'. With ARG, enable xml-lite-mode if and only if ARG is positive. xml-lite-mode provides indentation for XML tags. The value of `xml-lite-indent-offset' determines the amount of indentation. Key bindings: \\{xml-lite-mode-map}" nil ; initial value " XML" ; mode indicator 'xml-lite-mode-map ; keymap (if xml-lite-mode (progn (if (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode) (sgml-mode)) (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) (setq xml-lite-mode t xml-lite-orig-indent-line-function indent-line-function indent-line-function 'xml-lite-indent-line)) (setq indent-line-function xml-lite-orig-indent-line-function)) (force-mode-line-update)) (provide 'xml-lite) ;;; xml-lite.el ends here